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Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle Of The Realms Is A Bloody Turbulent Time

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Photo from IGN.

Last year, I watched Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge: a bloody and action-packed time. It’s one of the first Mortal Kombat animations films since that wacky ‘90s cartoon, Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm. I remember watching it on TV in Spanish. I tried to understand what they were saying, but I watching my favorite characters on TV kept me invested.

Fast-forward to April 2021, and Warner Bros releases the disappointing Mortal Kombat reboot. In the reboot, we tag along with cardboard cut-out, Cole Young. I understand he’s meant as the character who guides the viewers through Mortal Kombat’s story. Cole’s inclusion doesn’t help when he’s flat-out boring. In the sequel, I hope Warner Bros and company fix Cole’s problems, instead of intensifying the gore. Please?

Photo CBR.Com.

After hearing another animated Mortal Kombat came out, it stoked me; these flicks are excellent. On Tuesday, Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle for the Realms graced my fragile corneas. I purchased the movie from Amazon Prime and hit play. The Warner Brothers logo appeared, unveiling the yellow-colored ninja, Scorpion getting grabbed by an overpowered Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. Why is he overpowered? Let’s just say a bunch of people wanted Shaggy in Mortal Kombat 11. I don’t know why, but these Shaggy fanatics must think it’s hilarious. Yes, I can picture it now: Shaggy zoinks! his way to a flawless victory as it plows the characters with feet, attempting to run away as the announcer says, fatality.

After the chuckle, the film hits you with a steady dose of blood and action. If you loved Scorpion’s Revenge; you’ll love Battle for The Realms. Blood and gore are a staple of Mortal Kombat, and I won’t tire of it. A Mortal Kombat film can have a bunch of muscle-bound dudes punching each other, it’ll make me so happy.

Besides action, we need a plot, and the story is dull, you’ll forget it within a day. If you’re a fan like me, a few deaths and decisions will baffle you. Having those characters perish again recaptured my experience playing Mortal Kombat (2011). It is painful seeing those characters die, but the writers require writing an interesting story instead of reenacting the plot of Mortal Kombat II. Battle for the Realms does an excellent job not tailoring the films to fans, but adds elements to help causal viewers understand the narrative. Even if you haven’t seen Scorpion’s Revenge, the film won’t leave you confuse.

Photo from Screenrant.

Given its run time of an hour twenty minutes, it felt longer. Battle for the Realms arrives at its climax while I wonder why it’s still going. I wouldn’t be okay if I didn’t see the Kaiju monster fight. There’s a time and place for giant fights, but Mortal Kombat isn’t one of those. I rather watch those campy Godzilla movies from the ‘70s.

Overall, Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle for the Realms has plenty of blood spills and action to satisfy any Mortal Kombat fan. I know it satisfied me; now I want to go play a round of Mortal Kombat. The plot is unbearable; the decisions and deaths can affect a fan, but wouldn’t confuse a fist-time viewer. I didn’t like getting reminded of Mortal Kombat’s 2011s story mode. The film feels long for its runtime and the giant monster with its all spectacle is boring.

Warner Brothers, and the Mortal Kombat developers, NetherRealm Studios, shouldn’t stop producing these. No matter their flaws, it’s entertaining.

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