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  • ablatinwordy

Allergies Are A Bitch

Allergies are the death of me

Ever since I move to and from Texas, I dealt with sneezing, coughing, and dry throat. All symptoms of the dastardly ailment known as allergies. Having allergies is no laughing matter. Of course, you can't die from allergies, yet it is deadly if your sneeze thrust you into harm’s way. Being the case, I suggest covering your mouth; it’ll save your life and others.

Anyhow, I noticed these symptoms the moment I entered the lone star state. I was a kid when experienced my first case of allergies, so I wasn’t sure what I had. I developed allergies because the pollen levels in Texas are higher than those in California. Given my condition, I have to face allergies every year. My allergies are so severe, it feels like a cold. The reason for the cold-like symptoms are thanks to sinusitis: a condition where mucus clogs your throat and head, leaving you feeling drowsy, and with migraines.

Thank the heavens nasal spray exists. This concoction has saved my life countless times. Just two sprays pumped into my nostrils, and I’m ready to face the day. When you have allergies, I recommend nasal spray, and please avoid allergy pills; it’s better to drink throat coat tea or other herbal flavors to loosen up the mucus.

I find it ironic that my allergies didn't spring from something I'm allergic to. I'm allergic to a cotton tree (cottonwood and mold). Perhaps I had mold growing in my room, but I would've of known if a creature out of science fiction would start growing from my carpet. This cotton tree (cottonwood tree) hasn't been near me. I don't want it to; being near a cottonwood may cause me to explode.

I don't live in Texas anymore, but the weather in central California is up to snuff; allergies for the rest of my life then. Thanks, allergies. If I could gain money with my allergies, I’m rich.

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